Oxygen Generator

oxygen generator MODULES

Product Main Design Features :

  • • Memiliki fleksibilitas yang tidak terbatas untuk menyesuaikan kapasitas produksi oksigen medis dari sistem yang sudah terpasang di rumah sakit
  • • Memiliki dimensi kompak, kecil dan ringkas sehingga tidak perlu tempat besar. Ini memudahkan proses pemasangan di rumah sakit
  • • Menggunakan bahan nonkorosif, seperti aluminium dan stainless steel, sebagai standar semua komponen proses​

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Key Features

1. Skid mounted, self contained modules in a wide variety of

2. Full electronic controls displaying output and all control
parameters and allowing control of each module.

3. Prepiped inlet and outlet.

4. Prepiped exhaust for venting outside the building including
muffler for noise reduction.

5. Temperature independant output.


• Modules are
controlled and
simplex or duplex PSA

• Rigging and installation are
simplified but each module is
complete within itself to ensure
correct operation.

• Modules can be operated
at ideal pressure for oxygen
production without affecting the
delivery pressure.

• Noise is minimized and safety of
workers can be protected

YUANDA Oxygen Concentrator Systems (PSA)
380V 50Hz/400V/415V 60Hz – 4 Bar Outlet


Fatigue load, protected by a safety pressure relief valve and include a
YUANDA is a modular system designed according to ISO 10083 and
shall provide medical quality oxygen to the European Pharmacopoeia
monograph, delivered at a pressure of 400 kPa (4 bar) gauge for supply
of the hospital oxygensystems.

The system shall use YUANDA brand (KSTK)or Atlas Copco oil flooded
rotary screw compressor, external refrigerant dryer, filters, galvanised
steel air receiver vessel, PSA oxygen generator and steel oxygen
receiver vessel(s). Supplied complete with graphic LCD controller and
standard installed oxygen sensor/analyser.


All components shall be self-controlled, no central controller is

The compressor shall run to maintain pressure in air storage vessel
with a typical set pressure of 700 kPa (7 bar) gauge. The generator
shall be run in a way to maintain pressure in the oxygen storage vessel
at 400 kPa (4 bar) gauge, or up to a maximum pressure of 500 kPa (5
bar) gauge with an oxygen purity of 93%.

In cases using dual independent production lines (according to ISO
10083) the system will work with the following logic:

• One generation line shall be determined as duty and the
other shall in turn be set up as a back-up. It is recommended to switch
between the lines once a week to ensure each generator is run. With
this procedure service intervals shall be extended providing equal run
hours on all components.

• The system shall be pressure controlled. Each line has a
different set pressure. The duty line has a start pressure of 430 kPa
(4.3 bar) gauge and the reserve line at a fixed pressure of 400 kPa (4
bar) gauge. If the duty line is shut-down or fails the main line pressure
will fall. When the reserve set pressure is reached (400 kPa, 4 bar)the
reserve line will come on-line to maintain working line pressure.

• Pressure shall be measured in the oxygen buffer tank TKx02.
When the pressure depletes it reaches the start set point and the
generator starts producing oxygen. When the pressure stop set-point is
reached the generator shall go in stand-by mode.

• The generator shall automatically stop if the oxygen level
falls below the set purity level (e.g. >92% as standard). In this case the
reserve line will come on-line due to the pressure falling to 400 kPa (4
bar) gauge.

• The compressors shall run on their own pressure band and
shall operate independently to the generators. As soon as the pressure
in TKx01 reaches it’s set point (e.g. 700 kPa, 7 bar) the compressor shall
go into unload/stop mode.
In the case of generator failure a general alarm fault shall be triggered
at 91%. This level shall be adjustable. If the oxygen quality falls lower
than 90% the generator shall stop and the reserve generator will start
production of oxygen due to depletion of line pressure to 400 kPa (4
bar) gauge.


Oxygen Generator
The YUANDA generator shall incorporate pressure swing absorption
(PSA) technology and supplied as a plug and play component for
simple installation on site, including oxygen monitoring, service indications
and relevant alarms.

Integral pressure vessels shall be GB (ASME option ) and validated for
pressure gauge. Non return valves shall be included to avoid back flow
from the outlet of the generator. The vessels shall include chemically
produced zeolite to adsorb specific types of molecules, such as water
vapour or nitrogen – providing infinite lifetime if the dryers and filters
are properly serviced.

Pneumatic valves shall control the generation and regenerationprocess
to ensure proper changeover between the two towers. Valvesshall
be degreased for oxygen use and provided with an oxygen certificate,
delivered with every unit.
The YUANDA generator shall include an oxygen sensor and analyser for
continuous, online measurement of oxygen purity and shall be provided
with a calibration report delivered with every unit. The sensor
shall be insulated by solenoid valves during standstill to provide longer
sensor lifetime. An inlet pressure regulator shall be included to reduce
the inlet pressure to a maximum working pressure of 650 kPa (6.5 bar)
gauge. A silencer shall be include to reduce the noise level during the
exhaust/regeneration process.

The oxygen purity produced shall be between 90-93% with a compressed
air inlet quality in accordance with ISO 8573-1 clause 1-4-1
and an air outlet quality in accordance with ISO 8573-1 clause 1-2-1.
The system shall operate at a maximum ambient temperature of 45°C. The generator will require a single phase low voltage 240-110V 50-
60Hz supply.


The YUANDA control system shall provide an intelligent human machine
interface including a real-time clock for recording operational
parameters in the event log. The central control system shall include a
BMS connection for a general fault condition.

Specifications :

• Supply voltage: 115-230V 50/60Hz

• Power consumption: 200W max

• CSA/UL approval available

• Protection degree: IP54 (Nema 3S)


The oxygen generator shall include a long life and low maintenance
Zirconia oxygen sensor to extend the period between sensorrecalibration.


On screen alarms shall be:

• Low pressure

• Oxygen purity

• Low oxygen purity shut-down

• Low flow*

• Low dewpoint*

• Low dewpoint shut-down*

* These functions are available if optional flowmeter/dewpoint analyser is
installed (4-20 mA).


Compressors shall be YUANDA own brand(KSTK) or Atlas Copco GA oil
injected rotary screwcompressors suitable for both continuous and
frequent start/stop operation at a nominal outlet pressure of 750 kPa
(7.5 bar) gauge. Compressors shall be supplied with a block and fin
style after coolerwith a dedicated quiet running fan to maximise
cooling and efficiency. A multistage oil separator capable of achieving
2ppm oil carry over shall be fitted to minimise contamination and
maintenance. EFF1(CEMEP) rated TEFC, IP55 class F electric motors
shall be used and incorporate maintenance-free greased for life
bearings. Motors with lower efficiency ratings are not acceptable.


The dryer shall be YUANDA own brand air dryer or Atlas Copco FX
refrigerated dryer module and shall include a simple plug and play
concept. Pressure shall be selfregulating. The dryer shall be able to
reach 3°C PDP at 45°C.

TThedryer shall include the following
components :

Refrigerant Circuit

• Refrigerant separator

• Refrigerant compressor

• Maximum pressure switch and fan control switch (FX 13-21)

• Condenser fan

• Condenser

• Capillary Filter

• Capillary Tube

• Hot Gas Bypass
Air Circuit

• Air Inlet

• Air to Refrigerant Heat Exchanger

• Air/Heat Exchanger

• Water Separator

• Automatic Drain

• Air Outlet


Atlas Copco DD+ and PD+ high efficiency filter shall be used to remove
oil and dust particles. An Atlas Copco QD activated carbon filter shall
be included to absorb oil vapours providing clean air to ISO 8573-
1 class 1. An additional filter shall be included to protect against
zeolite dust particles and shall be suitable for steam sterilisation in an


Air receivers shall comply with DIRECTIVE 97/23/EC, supplied with
relevant test certificates. Each air receiver shall be fitted with a zero
loss electronic drain valve. Float type drain valves are not acceptable.
The receiver assembly shall be fitted with a pressure safety valve
capable of passing the maximum flow output of the compressor at
10% receiver overpressure. The receiver shall be further protected by a
safety pressure relief valve and include a pressure gauge.


Oxygen vessel shall be of steel construction and approved according
to Fluid Group 1 and shall be sized to ensure the oxygen supply is
continuous. The vessel shall be protected by a safety pressure relief
valve and include a pressure gauge.


Oil free, high pressure pistons compressors shall be provided suitable
for the on site filling of 15,000 kPa (150 bar) gauge or 20,000 kPa (200
bar) gauge oxygen cylinders. Compressors shall operate on an inlet
pressure auto-cycling system (auto start/stop). Compressors shall
include the following components :

• Compressor, motor, starter, start/stop buttons, hour meter,
high pressure safety shutdown, low inlet pressure shutdown, safety
relief valves, pressure gauges, drive belt, belt guard, oxygen clean and
cooling fans.


A high pressure filling ramp shall be available suitable for on site
cylinder filling and shall consist of a high pressure bar with individual
isolation valves at each cylinder connection. The cylinders shall be
protected from over pressurising by a safety pressure relief valve and
shall include a pressure gauge. The filling ramp shall be tested up to
30,000 kPa (300 bar) gauge and shall be supplied complete with test


There shall be the followings options available for enhanced operation
of the air plant system:-

• Atlas Copco oil free compressors

• Phase sequence relays that prevent unintentional reverse operation
of the compressors

• OCS electronic water/oil drains for the air plant system
concentrated dust levels

• VSD compressors

• Synthetic oil for increased compressor life

• Tropical thermostatic sensors for countries with high humidity

• Heavy duty inlet filters for compressors installed in areas of highly


The dryer shall be able to incorporate a dew point sensor with an
accuracy of ±10C in the range -20 to -800C atmospheric dew point and
4-20mA analogue output. The PDP sensor shall ensure the air to the
generator inlet is suitable in order to safeguard the generator from high
moisture content. Additional purge control shall also be available.

Flow Diagram
Flow diagram for YUANDA with two generation lines and high pressure booster for filling cylinders. Note :

1. Oxygen generator options can be installed. See dedicated flow diagram of generator.

2. Not all details for main components ( compressor, generator, dryer )
shown. See details for individual components

Optional equipment

(*) Not applicable when only one oxygen generator is installed


1. Compressor

2. Refrigerant Dryer

3. Filters

4. Air Receiver

5. Oxygen Generator

6. Purity Measurement Line

7. Ball Valve

8. Oxygen Tank

9. Pressure Regulator

10. Dust Filter


1. Compressor

2. Refrigerant dryer

3. Filters

4. Air receiver

5. Oxygen generator

6. Purity measurement line

7. Ball valve

8. Oxygen tank

9. Pressure regulator

10. Dust filter

11. Non-return valve



1. Compressor

2. Refrigerant dryer

3. Filters

4. Air receiver

5. Oxygen generator

6. Purity measurement line

7. Ball valve

8. Oxygen tank

9. Pressure regulator

10. Dust filter

11. Non-return valve

12. High pressure

13. Pressure switch

14. Filling station

The oxygen plant must be installed on a level floor suitable for taking the weight of the plant. There must be a free space of 600mm around all
the components (compressor, generator and vessels). On all inlet filters a drain tube must be installed. The drainpipes to the drain collector
must not dip into the water. For draining of pure condensate water, install an oil/water separator. Air net connections from compressors to dryer,
filters, vessels and generator must be provided locally, following sound engineering practise and after the generator according to ISO 9001 and all
other applicable regulations.


4 Cylinder

6 Cylinder

Standard is Chinese GB stand 40L@150bar, other standard tailpipes are available – please specify


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